Thursday 3 April 2014

Lost Identity

Deep in melancholy I meandered through the scattered perplexity of my life, I found I am deeply being sceptic.

Many came up with their thoughts, that I am paranoid.

I was even sceptic the love and care my parents were showing were to overshadow my identity. I was being put into dark by the love they had for me. I did not even know whether they were truthful to me in any ways. The more they exhibited the love the more I was near to acceptance that I am being fooled.

Suddenly my phone rang, “mom calling”, and I stood there wondering whether it made any sense now. I was further being thrown into the dilemma of being pushed into the thought of losing my identity. ‘Mom’ does that hold its meaning in my life.

I least bothered to attend the call, because I did not want to hear more lies.

How long will I've to suffer this?

Be in disguise.

Where do I actually belong? To the parents I call my mom and dad now or some streets where I was thrown when I was born.

I don’t know but I am standing here asking to myself, who am I?

A girl with a lost identity...I thought to myself.

(This story is dedicated to a special friend who was orphaned by her own parents)

1 comment:

  1. Is it not true that once one realizes what is causing the suffering (even parents who lie, lie, lie!). the pain of life, living, may subside? When I escaped the "parental prison" I celebrated my new-found freedom with JOY! Nearer to Ecstasy! Of course, the story does not end there, but does end in regard this comment.

    Sarah, you are a fine writer, possibly with a small amount of editing? You have the most important ingredients: vivid imagination, and a desire to communicate your thoughts in story form. I'm gonna read some more before going to bed. Thank you again!
    PEACE and LIGHT, Ma'am.
